General Nail and Skin Care

Do you have painful corns or callus? Do you struggle to reach your feet? Whether it be due to a bad back, sore knees or poor eyesight, regular nail and skin care will be of benefit to you. Through regular treatment, we can better manage and reduce the likelihood of complications and secondary infections that may arise.

Ingrown Toenails

There are a range of factors that may cause an ingrown toenail. Whether it be curly nails or incorrect clipping technique. In-grown toenails HURT! At Summit Podiatry, we are able to remove the simplest of nail spikes as well as the trickier ones that may require more extensive treatment such as nail surgery.

Ingrown Toenails

There are a range of factors that may cause an ingrown toenail. Whether it be curly nails or incorrect clipping technique. In-grown toenails HURT! At Summit Podiatry, we are able to remove the simplest of nail spikes as well as the trickier ones that may require more extensive treatment such as nail surgery.

Dry Needling

Having completed post graduate training in dry needling of the lower limb, we are able to better management injury rehabilitation as well as pain management. Through targeting myofascial trigger points, dry needling is a relatively pain free way to help improve muscle function and lower limb biomechanics through better range of motion.


Through complex gait analysis and biomechanical testing, we prescribe comfortable and well-fitting orthotics that can help with multiple common pedal complaints. Such as flat feet, plantar fasciitis, bursitis and neuroma’s and bunions. We have a range of orthotics available to suit all budgets.


Through complex gait analysis and biomechanical testing, we prescribe comfortable and well-fitting orthotics that can help with multiple common pedal complaints. Such as flat feet, plantar fasciitis, bursitis and neuroma’s and bunions. We have a range of orthotics available to suit all budgets.

Heel pain

Do you suffer from heel pain? Heel is one of the most common issues that comes through our doors. Heel pain is often at its worst first thing in the morning, after a period of rest or after a long day’s work.

Many people leave this pain untreated for a long period of time. Heel pain is very treatable. Do not wait to have it treated as it can often get worse with neglect.

Paediatric feet

As podiatrists, we can assess your children’s feet for a range of issues such as warts and in-grown toenails, as well as flat feet. We will ensure a tailored treatment plan is created to achieve overall healthy foot function.

Paediatric feet

As podiatrists, we can assess your children’s feet for a range of issues such as warts and in-grown toenails, as well as flat feet. We will ensure a tailored treatment plan is created to achieve overall healthy foot function.


As podiatrists, we are qualified in all areas of diabetic foot care. From wound management to preventative nail and skin care, we aim to prevent complications from occurring. At Summit Podiatry, we will complete a thorough diabetic foot assessment which will involve sensation and circulation tests in the lower limb. All testing will be sent in a report to your GP.

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